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A cura di Elisabetta Catelani

Atti del Convegno tenutosi a Pisa il 28 novembre 2022 nell’ambito del Progetto PRIN 2017 "Self- and Co-regulation for Emerging Technologies: Towards a Technological Rule of Law" (SE.CO.R.E TECH)



La e-democracy come strumento per l’attivazione della partecipazione dei soggetti interessati alla formazione degli atti normativi e delle politiche europee

di Elisabetta Catelani


SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione. – 2. Dalla crisi della democrazia all’individuazione di strade per incentivare la partecipazione dei cittadini. – 3. La partecipazione dei cittadini attraverso l’incentivazione della rappresentanza d’interessi. - 4. La partecipazione dei cittadini attraverso l’implementazione di strumenti di e-democracy nell’attività normativa. 5. Centralizzazione del rapporto fra Stato ed UE in capo al governo: dal superamento della condivisione con Parlamento e Regioni previsto dalla legge n. 234 del 2012, all’IA come strumento per agevolare l’iniziativa parlamentare e gli input regionali. – 6. ICT e Stato: strumenti tecnologici da governare e non da subire.


The topics analyzed in this paper concern the importance of citizen, voter, corporate and business participation in domestic and European policy formation.
Thus, new technologies can be a means of facilitating participation and at the same time transforming how the citizens approach the state.
At the same time, e-democracy can also facilitate the formation of state direction that can be used to influence European policies more in the ascendant phase of its formation.


Asimmetrie valoriali transatlantiche tra self-regulation, hard law e co-regolazione (ovvero sul se e sul come regolamentare le strategie contro la disinformazione on line)

di Oreste Pollicino


SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione. – 2. Le asimmetrie valoriali sul fronte transatlantico. – 3. Il genere letterario: “codice di condotta”. – 4. Il laboratorio europeo. – 5. Conclusioni: quali l’armamentario di diritto costituzionale a disposizione per fronteggiare la disinformazione on line?


The paper, after having raised several research questions which, by definition, will remain open, in relation to the relationship between constitutional law and new technologies will focus, from a transatlantic point of view, on the possible policy making options in relation to the regulation of the fight against disinformation. More precisely the paper, after having focuses on the different value based frames in Europe on the one hand and in the US on the other, will focus on the co-regulation path which has been followed in the writing exercise of the new EU Code against disinformation on line.


Dalla self-regulation alla over-regulation in ambito digitale: come (e perché) di un necessario cambio di prospettiva

di Edoardo C. Raffiotta


SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione. – 2. La proliferazione delle norme nel quadro normativo europeo: cybersecurity, privacy, AI, servizi digitali. – 3. Gli effetti dell’over-regulation sul diritto pubblico europeo. – 3.1. Alcune non trascurabili problematiche, in punto di diritto. – 3.2. (segue): le criticità dell’over-regulation nel diritto pubblico. – 3.3. (segue): over-regulation e mercato. – 4. Possibili cause dell’over-regulation. – 5. L’over-regulation come (strano) tentativo dell’UE di acquisire un ruolo in ambito tecnologico. – 6. Non solo di regolamentazione vive un sistema digitale affidabile.


The "A Europe Fit for the Digital Age" strategy defined by the European Commission is increasingly characterized by copious regulatory output that regulates the impact of the new generation of technologies, most recently with the AI Act aimed at regulating artificial intelligence. This phenomenon seems to describe an over-regulation that will imply not easy coordination of the obligations foreseen, on the one hand, with the regulations on the protection, enhancement, and security of data - personal and non-personal - (GDPR, Data Act, Data Governance Act, NIS, etc.; on the other hand, with those directed to regulate the role of service providers (including gatekeepers and platforms) (Digital Markets Act, Digital Services Act, European Digital Identity, etc.). This intersection and, to some extent, an overlap of the AI Act with other European regulations will impose a - not always smooth - coordination that could jeopardize the competitiveness of European companies.


Partecipazione e consultazione delle parti interessate per la tutela dell’ambiente nell’Unione europea. L’esperienza della piattaforma Di’ la tua

di Ilaria Lolli


SOMMARIO: 1. La partecipazione ai processi decisionali come “pilastro” della governance ambientale. - 2. La partecipazione e le consultazioni per la tutela dell’ambiente nell’Unione europea: dal ‘silenzio’ dei Trattati al c.d. Regolamento Aarhus. - 3. Le consultazioni della Commissione europea nel quadro della partecipazione ai processi decisionali dell’UE. - 4. Il portale europeo Di’ la tua. I rilievi della Corte dei conti europea ed i ‘buoni propositi’ della Commissione. - 5. Una ‘cartina al tornasole’: le consultazioni sul portale Di’ la tua in materia di tutela dell’ambiente. - 6. Conclusioni: ignari o riluttanti?


Public participation in environmental decision-making is one of the three ‘pillars’ of the Aarhus Convention (1998), which, as a mixed agreement, applies to the EU institutions too. Nevertheless, the EU Treaties do not contain specific provisions with regard to participation in environmental matters, which therefore draws on the general provisions of TEU end TFEU. In turn, Regulation (EC) No 1367/2006 (the so-called Aarhus Regulation) only provides for a participation in the elaboration of EU plans and programmes relating to the environment, but not in other cases, such as the preparation of policies and of legal drafts. Within the framework of the White paper on governance (2001) and the so-called ‘Better regulation’ system, the Commission strives to interpret participation in its mildest sense, that is mere consultations. In this context the Commission also relies on the digital platform Have your say, the functioning of which, however, still presents many problematic issues, not least the one relating to the low attendance of the public. A brief overview of some consultations regarding environmental-related topics seems to constitute an effective ‘litmus paper’ of the functioning of the platform, in particular for what concerns the low rate of participation.   


Partecipazione multilivello alla formazione delle politiche europee, innovazioni tecnologiche, trasformazione dei processi democratici: il caso della direttiva sulla lotta alla violenza contro le donne e alla violenza domestica

di Elettra Stradella


SOMMARIO: 1. La proposta di direttiva europea sulla violenza di genere come caso di studio. – 2. Gli strumenti partecipativi nella definizione della proposta legislativa in materia di violenza di genere: fasi e processi. – 2.1. Le consultazioni a livello europeo. – 2.2. Il profilo tradizionale della c.d. fase ascendente: la definizione della posizione nazionale. – 3. Considerazioni di sintesi a partire dal caso di studio: l’impatto delle tecnologie digitali sulla partecipazione.


This paper aims at investigating the topic of the participation to the European decision-making process focusing on the impact of technological innovation and their role in the transformation of democratic processes. In particular, it starts from a case-study, that is the elaboration of the European directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence, in order to understand how participatory dynamics have developed in the definition of the issues involved, and which is being the contribution of ICTs, both at the national and the regional level.


Piattaforme digitali dell’Unione europea e strumenti di democrazia partecipativa

di Francesca Martines


SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione. – 2. L’(e)Partecipation nell’Unione europea e la connessione tra democrazia rappresentativa e partecipativa. – 3. Piattaforme digitali nell’Unione europea e partecipazione dei cittadini. – 4. Le Piattaforme del Parlamento europeo. – 5. Le Piattaforme della Commissione. - 6. La Piattaforma Multilingue della Conferenza sul futuro dell’Europa. – 7. Osservazioni conclusive.


New technologies have made it possible to create and operate digital platforms that offer all citizens the opportunity to use participatory tools and take part in the EU decision-making process. However, factors that may make it difficult for European citizens to use these IT tools must be considered. At the same time, new technologies can offer solutions to the problems of access and use. After clarification and delimitation of the scope of the investigation, the problems that may hinder access to the platforms will be defined in general terms. A more detailed examination of the platforms of the Parliament, of the Commission and the Multilingual Platform of the Future of Europe Conference will follow.


Il ruolo delle ICT nella presentazione di proposte di atti legislativi da parte dei cittadini europei

di Leonardo Pasquali


SOMMARIO: 1. Considerazioni introduttive – 2. Procedimento e ruolo delle ICT – 3. I sistemi di raccolta elettronica delle dichiarazioni di sostegno: i sistemi individuali – 4. I sistemi di raccolta elettronica delle dichiarazioni di sostegno (segue): il sistema centrale – 5. ICT ed iniziativa dei cittadini europei: non solo raccolta elettronica delle dichiarazioni di sostegno – 6. Bilancio delle proposte dei cittadini europei presentate sino ad oggi – 7. Considerazioni conclusive.


The paper investigates the role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the framework of the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI). The latter, introduced by the Lisbon Treaty and originally implemented by Regulation (EU) 211/2011, was reformed by Regulation (EU) 2019/788, which aims to simplify the admissibility requirements for the initiative and strengthen the effectiveness of the instrument. Therefore, the contribution analyses the procedural provisions laid down in the Regulation in order to highlight what function, in pursuing the stated objectives, is currently assigned to ICTs. Specific (but not exclusive) attention is given to the online collection of statements of support, with reference to both the “individual online collection systems” and to the “central online collection system” that gradually replaced the former systems making the ECI more accessible and easier to use. The paper also takes into consideration the ECIs concretely presented to date and the relevant case law, allowing to make a first assessment of the results actually obtained thanks to the new role played by ICTs.


Il controllo dell’interessato e la strategia europea sui dati

di Dianora Poletti


SOMMARIO: 1. Il diritto al controllo del data subject nel quadro attuale. – 2. Lo scenario europeo e la trasformazione digitale. – 3. Il controllo dell’interessato e il Data Governance Act. – 4. Il controllo dell’interessato e il Data Act. – 5. Il recupero del diritto al controllo attraverso strumenti tecnologici. - 6. Muoversi nella complessità.


The paper analyzes the destiny of the data subject's fundamental right to control in a context that has deeply changed since the enactment of Reg. 2016/679, in which Europe has laid the pillars of the European Data Strategy, focusing on data sharing and information reuse.
The effectiveness of this right is severely challenged by an ecosystem in which the constant circulation of data among different operators makes the data subject lose the ability to detect those who are really are performing the processing activity.
Within this framework, the purpose of the scholar is to analyze the ways in which the most recent European regulatory interventions (the Data Governance Act and the Data Act) mean to guarantee this right, and to investigate the use of technologies - artificial intelligence included - in support of its exercise.


Il lavoro agile dopo il Protocollo del 7 dicembre 2021

di Pasqualino Albi


SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. – 2 Oltre l’emergenza. – 3. La centralità della contrattazione collettiva. – 4. La circolarità virtuosa fra legge e contrattazione collettiva.


In the contribution, the Author highlights how smart working (“lavoro agile”) is emblematic of the transformation phase that the world of work is going through. In particular, the remote work of the pandemic era will have to find a more solid regulatory configuration with the contribution not only of the legislator, but also of collective bargaining. The social partners, in fact, are better able to grasp the needs of the subjects involved and identify viable solutions on a practical level, thus favouring a process in which the legislator can follow the path traced by responsible collective bargaining.


Il dato personale tra protezione giuridica e valorizzazione economica

di Fernanda Faini


SOMMARIO: 1. La natura ambivalente del dato personale. – 2. La strada della valorizzazione economica dei dati personali. – 2.1. L’an: il dato personale può essere considerato quale bene economico? – 2.2. Il quid e il quomodo: a quali condizioni e con quali limiti il dato personale può essere commercializzato? – 3. Il valore dei dati e il modello di governo della tecnologia.


In the digital dimension, the ambivalent nature of personal data emerges, at once the subject of a right but also an asset with economic value, which is accompanied by the possible convergence of certain disciplines, specifically, personal data protection and consumer protection. The contribution aims to examine the perspective of the economic valorization of personal data, investigating its “an” (whether personal data can be economically valorized), “quid” (what can be economically valorized) and “quomodo” (what conditions and limits should be placed on it); the quomodo is also declined in the legal forms and instruments and, more broadly, in the model of law in which this can be realized. The contribution aims to analyze the strengths as well as the critical issues of the economic valorization of personal data, extending the reflection also to the European model of governance of the technology and the opportunity to pay attention to the related governance, envisioning an extension of the powers of the authorities involved and a holistic approach that leverages a joint application of the different regulations.


La consultazione dei portatori di interessi nell’elaborazione degli atti dell’Unione Europea in materia di intelligenza artificiale: il caso dell’alleanza europea per l’IA

di Gabriele Rugani


SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione: la nascita dell’interesse dell’UE per l’intelligenza artificiale e la pressoché contestuale genesi dell’Alleanza per l’IA. – 2. Il funzionamento dell’Alleanza europea per l’IA. – 3. Il ruolo svolto dall’Alleanza europea per l’IA con riferimento all’AI HLEG e agli “Orientamenti etici per un’IA affidabile”. – 4. Il ruolo svolto dall’Alleanza europea per l’IA nell’elaborazione delle proposte di atti legislativi dell’UE. – 5. Riflessioni conclusive sul coinvolgimento degli stakeholder nella regolamentazione dell’IA a livello UE.


The paper focuses on the consultation with stakeholders in drafting EU acts, both non-binding and binding, in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), with particular reference to the role of a platform specifically created for discussions on such matter: the “European AI Alliance”. Preliminary, the article retraces the genesis of the EU’s interest in the area and describes the creation and functioning of the instrument at stake (which is hosted by the “Futurium” online platform). Then, the paper takes into consideration the main EU initiatives concerning AI, such as the “Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI” and the Proposal for a Regulation “laying down harmonized rules on artificial intelligence” (“AI Act”), with the aim of highlighting the contribution provided to such initiatives by the consultation with stakeholders and, in particular, by the activity of the AI Alliance. Finally, it will be possible to make some considerations on the peculiar features of the dialogue between EU institutions and stakeholders in the specific field of AI regulation.


Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

L’Osservatorio sulle fonti è stato riconosciuto dall’ANVUR come rivista scientifica e collocato in Classe A.


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