I Saggi dell'Osservatorio


Emergenza pandemica e verticalizzazione del potere nella struttura dell’Esecutivo. Il ruolo del Presidente del Consiglio

di Ines Ciolli


SOMMARIO: 1. La mancanza di una definizione univoca di potere Esecutivo. – 2. La massima concentrazione del minimo potere (politico) nel potere esecutivo. Trasformazioni e verticalizzazione del potere esecutivo. L’evoluzione della funzione di governo. – 3. L’evoluzione del ruolo del Presidente del Consiglio. – 4. Capo dello Stato e Presidente del Consiglio: una relazione dinamica in costante evoluzione. – 5. I governi della crisi pandemica: i due Governi Conte e il Governo Draghi. Osservazioni sparse.


The “Presidente del Consiglio” since the time of the statute is the link between the individual power of the ministers and the collegial power of the council of ministers. He is endowed with his own powers, but his leadership is horizontal and not vertical: he coordinates, not imposes, or decides autonomously and discretionally. The pandemic and the implementation of the PNRR have provided an opportunity to verify the resilience of these horizontal powers when the figure of the president of the council has experienced its greatest media expansion; yet, in the writer's opinion, the thesis of a power that is identified with impulse and promotion has not been disproved. Today, in the presence of multiple horizontal relations between powers, this is the most modern and sophisticated form of power, made up of moral suasion and management of soft law sources. In other words, today more than ever, the constitutional dictate proves to be far-sighted and entrusts this highly refined form of power to the president of the council, while confirming the collegial decision-making power of the Council of ministers.

La Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri tra attuazione dell’indirizzo politico e funzioni di coordinamento

di Roberto Chieppa


The essay deals with the role of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers between implementation of political direction and coordination functions. The topic is approached from both a historical-temporal and a systematic point of view

L’accentramento del potere amministrativo nel PNRR tra esigenze di uniformità e istanze di differenziazione

di Eleonora Rinaldi


SOMMARIO: 1. L’incidenza del PNRR sul rapporto Stato-regioni. – 2. Una programmazione trasversale al riparto di attribuzioni tra Stato ed enti territoriali. – 3. La Regione come ente “di governo”. – 4. Segue. … e contitolare della funzione di programmazione nel PNRR. – 5. L’ambiguo ruolo dei Comuni: le misure di semplificazione/accelerazione nel PNRR.


As an instrument for the direction of general economic policy, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, drawn up by the Italian Government to implement the European funding program, “Next Generation EU”, introduces a concept for economic and social development with regard to the future of Italian regionalism. The essay questions the implications arising from the acceptance of a wider concept of sustainability which, inspired by the link between environmental protection, social inclusion and economic growth, would require the involvement of local authorities in the implementation of the Plan. Finally, the Author highlights some problems in Italian Law Decree no. 77/2021 which was approved in order to guarantee the correct fulfillment of commitments undertaken by the State.  This was on account of the fact that dialogue between the State and regions was sacrificed in order to save time and the true meaning of the vertical subsidiarity principle was not taken into due consideration.

L’accentramento del potere decisionale nel Governo e le fonti di gestione dell’emergenza sanitaria

di Elisabetta Catelani


SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. – 2. Le anomalie del periodo emergenziale. – 3. Il PNRR: un’altra forma di emergenza? - 4. Conclusioni.


The topics analyzed in this paper concern the methods of action of the government during the emergency and, in particular, the use of the sources of law during this period. The anomalies of these two profiles use reverberate in the post-Covid period and in particular in the phase of development and implementation of the New Generation Italy (PNRR).

L’indirizzo politico, dopo COVID e PNRR

di Andrea Manzella


The essay deals with the role of the Italian Prime Minister's Office in the implementation of political direction in the light of the health emergency (COVID-19) and National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Recovery Plan, NRRP).

Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

L’Osservatorio sulle fonti è stato riconosciuto dall’ANVUR come rivista scientifica e collocato in Classe A.


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© 2017 Osservatoriosullefonti.it. Registrazione presso il Tribunale di Firenze n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007 - ISSN 2038-5633