
Amendment to the Law Concerning Renewable Energy (3/2019)

Name of the Act/s

Änderung des Ökostromgesetzes 2012 (ÖSG 2012)

BGBl I Nr. 97/2019


22th October 2019

Type of Act

Federal Law; Federal Constitutional Law

Enacted by 

National Council/Federal Council

Reference to the Constitution (FCL) (art.)

Art 12 para 1 Z 4 B-VG (Federal Constitutional Law)

Subject area

Green energy; energy from renewable sources

If the act implements a source of EU Law: cite the relevant EU legal source

Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources


Promotion of green energy plants; assigns the legislative and administrative powers for green energy plants to the Federation (§ 1 - constitutional law) 

In February 2019, the Federal Council had vetoed the first version of the law because the SPÖ (Socialist Party) considered it not effective, forcing the governing coalition ÖVP/FPÖ to renegotiate the law.

Secondary sources/ doctrinal works (if any)


Available Text

Date of entry into force 

23th October/1th November 2019



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