di Anna Paiano
SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione. – 2. Le alterne vicende della leale collaborazione: definizione e declinazione del principio nella prassi giurisprudenziale. – 3. Il Sistema delle Conferenze: l’evoluzione e gli strumenti della collaborazione istituzionale. – 4. Tendenze recenti in materia di raccordo fra Stato e autonomie. – 5. Conclusioni.
In the Italian legal system, the problem of the forms of connection between the State and territorial autonomies has not found an adequate answer yet. After the reform of Title V of the Constitution, which changed the distribution of competence between the State and the Regions, the Constitutional Court, in order to settle the conflicts of attribution, relied on loyal collaboration as a principle which governs relationships between entities and identified in the so-called "Conference system" the appropriate instrument to implement it. The paper, therefore, will focus on the concrete declination of the principle of loyal collaboration in cases of the State's overriding in the competences of the Regions, in order to demonstrate its structural weakness. Secondly, the analysis will move on to the Conferences system. Specifically, the evolution of these bodies and the main tools through which they operate will be examined. Finally, the most recent trends of constitutional jurisprudence will be analyzed, in support of the arguments carried out in the previous passages and in order to find inspiration for a reform of the constitutional system.
Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.
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