Archivio note e commenti


Il riparto di competenze in materia sanitaria alla prova del Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza

di Silvio Roberto Vinceti


SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione. — 2. La parabola della competenza legislativa regionale in materia sanitaria. — 3. L’impatto del PNRR: la riforma dell’assistenza sanitaria territoriale. — 4. Ulteriori spunti di riflessione. 5. — Conclusioni.


Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) sets forth consequential reforms in the organization of the Italian health system, among which lies a comprehensive restructuring of primary care. While the new healthcare arrangement seems consonant with health organization literature, the reform amounts to a stark standardization of the regional health systems. Given the Italian Regions’ role as pivotal lawmaking institutions in healthcare, one could speculate about the constitutional soundness of their overall exclusion from the drafting of the NRRP. The Regions, however, did not take formal action against the central government or the NRRP, possibly for strategic reasons. This paper investigates the technical viability of a constitutional opposition by the Regions against a negotiated agreement between the central government and the European Union. Moreover, the paper raises some prospective remarks as to the relevance of the NRRP for the status of Regions as leading legislative institutions in healthcare, the place of the NRRP in the broader context of the “Europeanization of health” and the apparent conflict between the NRRP’s centralizing effect and the unfolding process of asymmetrical regionalism in the Italian constitutional system.


La Corte costituzionale torna sul valore delle decisioni del Comitato europeo dei diritti sociali nell’ordinamento italiano

di Francesca Tammone


SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione. – 2. Brevi note critiche e di contesto: il valore delle pronunce del Comitato europeo dei diritti sociali nelle sentenze della Corte costituzionale n. 120 e n. 194 del 2018. – 3. La sentenza n. 7/2024: un’occasione mancata. – 4. Conclusioni.


Moving from the analysis of the judgement n. 7/2024 adopted by the Italian Constitutional Court, this article focuses on the rank of the European Social Charter and the pronouncements of European Committee of Social Rights in the Italian constitutional order. Having emphasized that the judgement at stake is not innovative compared to previous case law on the same subject, the analysis provides an opportunity to reflect on the role that the human right treaty monitoring bodies should play within the constitutional review of Italian legislation.


La partecipazione all’elaborazione e all’attuazione del PNRR, tra democrazia partecipativa e sussidiarietà orizzontale

di Giammaria Gotti


SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione. – 2. PNRR e partecipazione. – 3. L’elaborazione del PNRR. – 4. L’attuazione del PNRR. – 4.1 Il partenariato economico e sociale nella governance del Piano, dal DL 77/2021 al DL 13/2023, sino al DL 19/2024. – 4.2 Gli altri strumenti partecipativi. – 5. Le implicazioni del principio partecipativo (art. 3, secondo comma, Cost.) e della sussidiarietà orizzontale (art. 118, quarto comma Cost.) – 5.1 Programmazione e democrazia. L’esigenza di una definizione partecipata … – 5.2 … e di un’attuazione condivisa. – 6. Riflessioni conclusive.


Art. 18, par. 4, q) of the Regulation (EU) 2021/241, establishing the so-called Recovery and Resilience Facility, invites Member States to provide, for the preparation and for the implementation of the recovery and resilience plan, a consultation process of social partners, civil society organisations, youth organisations and other relevant stakeholders. This paper intends to evaluate whether and how Italy assured that process, analysing the participation of social and civil partners in the development and implementation of the Italian RRP. The paper then examines the participation in the context of the Italian RRP in relation to the participatory principle (art. 3, second paragraph of the Italian Constitution) and horizontal subsidiarity (art. 118, fourth paragraph of the Italian Constitution). Finally, the paper reflects on the ability of the participatory tools provided to ensure effectiveness of the democratic principle in this new public planning process.


La pianificazione multilivello di Next Generation EU: note preliminari per un inquadramento teorico-giuridico

di Enrico Verdolini


SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa: che cosa si intende per pianificazione multilivello. – 2. La teorizzazione della costituzione economica di Lucien Morissens e il fondamento della pianificazione europea. – 3. (Segue) Quali basi costituzionali per la pianificazione fra i Trattati europei e le Costituzioni nazionali. – 4. La natura della pianificazione multilivello come strumento funzionale all’organizzazione delle politiche economiche. – 5. La partecipazione delle istituzioni pubbliche alla determinazione dell’indirizzo della politica economica. – 6. Conclusioni. Verso una nuova pianificazione multilivello?


The article analyzes multilevel planning and attempts to frame it from a legal point of view. Multilevel planning has been founded on the provisions of the economic constitutions, both the European one and the Italian one. This particular kind of planning organized the economic policies to respond to the pandemic emergency. Through a new form of common debt and new spending policies, this planning has favored economic and employment recovery after the pandemic emergency. Planning has always directed the development of the production system in a manner that has been coherent with the ecological and digital transition. This economic policy content of the planning has been developed through the contribution of the Member States and the institutions of the European Union. The final question is if it possible to replicate this planning model.


Sulla competenza legislativa regionale in materia di fine vita

di Leonardo Bianchi


SOMMARIO: 1. Profili della sentenza n. 242/2019 della Corte costituzionale. – 2. Fondamento di una competenza legislativa regionale. – 3. La cedevolezza invertita. – 4. Sul dovere di erogare la prestazione mortifera. – 5. Giurisprudenza EDU su fine vita e potestà legislativa. – 6. Considerazioni d’insieme.


This paper examines issues about the Regions’ legislative power about end of life, without a State law, on procedures and times in order to Regional health care for medically assisted suicide to the senses and by effect of Consitutional Court’s judgment n. 242/2019. In light of constitutional and EDU jurisprudence, reflection about the foundation of regional legislative power, with specifc regard to so-called reversed compliance, too, and about claimed existence of a duty to provide deadly performance, brings to the conclusion that such a law is devoid of constitutional basis.


Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

L’Osservatorio sulle fonti è stato riconosciuto dall’ANVUR come rivista scientifica e collocato in Classe A.


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© 2017 Registrazione presso il Tribunale di Firenze n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007 - ISSN 2038-5633