di Loredana Zappalà
SOMMARIO: 1. La mutazione genetica del diritto del lavoro. – 2. La metamorfosi delle fonti: la crisi della inderogabilità. – 3. Verso un nuovo assetto dei rapporti “eteronomia”/ “autonomia”. – 4. La crisi della rappresentanza.
The essay analyzes the relationship between Law and collective bargaining - always conditioned by the difficult link of the industrial relation system with the political system - that is evolving with a progressive reduction of the difference between heteronomous and autonomous regulation. From a juridical matter finalized to defending and increasing the powers and the rights of workers, it has become a technical instrument to guarantee the competitiveness of the economy and to reach some targets, like the increase in employment levels, the organizational efficiency of companies, the growth in productivity etc. These radical modifications threaten the scientific status of Labour Law and determine an epistemological crisis of the matter.
Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.
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