di Renato Ibrido
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. – 2. Il problema della “neutralità costituzionale” del processo di ammodernamento tecnologico e digitale del Parlamento. – 3. Reingegnerizzazione del processo di decisione parlamentare e “neutralità politica” dell’innovazione tecnologica. – 4. I Parlamenti nell’età della rivoluzione tecnologica. – 5 Un ulteriore obiettivo della reingegnerizzazione del processo di decisione parlamentare: riconnettere drafting legislativo e procedure parlamentari
The paper introduces two research questions, that we could define as the problem of “constitutional neutrality” and “political neutrality” of the technological transformation of Parliaments. First of all, the paper reflects about the potential alteration of the normal equilibrium between representative democracy and other type of democracies triggered by technology evolution (“constitutional neutrality”). Secondly, the paper aims to evaluate the impact of the technologies for Parliaments on the relationship between majority and the opposition (“political neutrality”). According to our research hypothesis, the parliamentary decision-making process should be radically “reengineered” in order to preserve the correct constitutional and political balances in the context of “technological revolution”. In particular, this strategy requires to “reconnect” the design of parliamentary procedures with the drafting techniques. Indeed, the bad quality of legislation negatively affects the linearity of parliamentary procedures and vice-versa.
Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.
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