di Luca Di Majo
SOMMARIO: 1. Il ruolo del Parlamento italiano nel contesto dell’emergenza epidemiologica. – 2. La partecipazione a distanza (oggi) e la riforma del regolamento della Camera (per il domani). – 3. L’elemento giuridico: l’interpretazione dell’art. 64, c. 3, Cost. e le prescrizioni dei regolamenti parlamentari. – 4. L’elemento politico: la rappresentanza. – 5. Una proposta per un obiettivo comune tra le due posizioni conservatrice e progressista, a partire dalla proposta di legge costituzionale A.C. 2452.
The health emergency has forced the Italian Parliament to meet in a reduced composition. This mode could have caused a paralysis of parliamentary work, especially in the case of votes requiring qualified majorities or in cases of verification of the quorum. Two reform have been presented to the Chamber of Deputies. The first proposal concerns the amendment of the parliamentary rules and provides for remote voting. The second proposals is a constitutional amendment and provides for the setting up of a special Commission which meets after the declaration of a state of emergency. However, the Constitution and parliamentary rules would require preserving the physical presence of Deputies and Senators. This paper proposes a solution somewhere between doctrine who are in favor of remote meetings and others, on the contrary, who prefers to maintain a conservative position.
Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.
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