I Saggi dell'Osservatorio

Eccezione, emergenza, democrazia

di Vincenzo Satta


SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. – 2. Stato d’eccezione ed emergenza: il contributo della Teologia Politica di Carl Schmitt. – 3. Emergenza ed eccezione nella democrazia contemporanea. – 4. La crisi della democrazia è davvero giunta a una svolta? – 5. Ha senso parlare di «postdemocrazia»? Tecnica ed eccezione. – 6. La preoccupazione «garantistica» di Schmitt e il confronto dialettico con l’Istituzionalismo. – 7. Conclusioni.


The paper aims to analyse the concepts of state of exception (in German: Ausnahmezustand) and emergency. This because both concepts remain quite useful to understand which the condition of contemporary democracies has become. Many studies argue that in these last decades the Neoliberalism had contribute to the transformation of the State based on the rule of law, as it was provided by the Constitutions approved after the Second World War. The transformation seems clear, specially thinking to the decrease of Welfare State’s guarantees. The political science uses frequently the word «Postdemocracy» to define the current condition of democratic legal systems, which seem standing in an enduring state of emergency, due to financial crises, pandemic and, right now, wars. For these reasons, the connection between democracy, state of exception and emergency makes sense to be analysed, starting from the theory developed by Carl Schmitt.

Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

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