I Saggi dell'Osservatorio

Contratto collettivo di prossimità e sua declinazione tra le fonti del diritto

di Lara Lazzeroni


SOMMARIO: Premessa. – 1. Il contratto di prossimità al cospetto degli articoli 70 e seguenti della Costituzione. – 2. Il dimensionamento del contratto di prossimità fra le fonti del diritto. – 3. Equilibrismi ed incertezze regolative. – 4. Le dinamiche in atto nel cono d’ombra della Costituzione.


The essay proposes a reflection on systematization, among sources of law, of the so-called collective bargaining agreements of “proximity”, i.e. collective bargaining agreements entered into by companies or territorial bodies, that are allowed – by virtue of Art. 8, d.l. 138/2011, converted in law no. 148/2011 – to derogate in pejus many labor laws with erga omnes effect. Unexpectedly, the ten years use of Art. 8 leads the A. to develop an analysis about the limits that are being encountered (pursuant to Art. 70 and following of the Constitution) in conferring to a third subject a regulatory function, which can be held equivalent to the one of the law: an analysis about Art. 8 like a “legal rule” for a “law making process”. The reflection moves from the diversity of the regulatory models developed until 2011 (e.g. the 1959 Vigorelli law; the public labour reform law of ’93; or the de-legification regulations in general) in the attempt to highlight the anomalies of Art. 8 and, therefore, the anomalies of proximity contract. Such peculiarities entail in particular that the rule in question does not belong to so-called “fonti-atto” but still possesses its characteristics (such as the ability to innovate objective law and its resistance to repeal). At the same time, it should be excluded from the so-called “fonti-fatto”, in light of the general interests that it is called upon to pursue.

Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

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