I Saggi dell'Osservatorio

La Costituzione al tempo della simbiosi uomo macchina

di Gian Luca Conti


SOMMARIO:  1. Preliminari: Bentham a Montain View. – 2. Le asimmetrie del reale: se la verità è irta di odio, la menzogna potrebbe non essere turpe. – 3. Il contratto sociale al tempo degli Unicorni. – 4. La commodification della democrazia. – 5. Limiti della manifestazione del pensiero dopo il buon costume. – 6. La libertà di manifestazione del pensiero al tempo della simbiosi uomo – macchina. – 7. Conclusioni: il sermone della Silicon Valley.


Today there is not only the commodification of the economic sphere, there is also the commodification of the public sphere. The public sphere that we are accustomed to identify with the space occupied by the constitution to define the nexus that brings alive the relationship between people, territory and government (political address) through a social contract is no longer a self-sufficient need.

The author's conviction is that it is useless, and dangerous, to demonise new technologies: industrial revolutions cannot be stopped, they can be influenced in some way by preventing them from expressing all the harmful potential of which they are capable, and by trying to ensure that every new conquest of technology benefits those who need it most because they were among those most adversely affected by the previous phase of technological development.


Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

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