I Saggi dell'Osservatorio

Ragionando intorno all’art.138. Cost. Considerazioni sul metodo delle riforme

M. Cristina Grisolia


SOMMARIO: 1. Il dibattito sul “metodo” dell’attuale riforma costituzionale. – 2. L’art. 138 all’ Assemblea costituente e i suoi elementi caratterizzanti. – 3. L’art.138 Cost. nella sua prima prassi applicativa e i procedimenti in “deroga”. – 4. Il ritorno alla procedura ordinaria prevista dall’art. 138 Cost. – 5. L’attuale percorso riformatore.


The article takes into consideration the approval procedure under Article 138 of the Constitution of the current constitutional reform on the so-called 'elective Premierate', verifying its 'resilience' in light of the practice that has developed in recent years. To this end the work, after dwelling on the debate at the Constituent Assembly and highlighting the institutional logic that had inspired the approval of this rule, examines the problems that have characterised the various reform attempts. The article concludes by affirming the continued validity of a procedure that, although suffering the progressive attrition of the original logic, still offers, if applied well, the best guarantees of a correct political and institutional confrontation.


Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

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