I Saggi dell'Osservatorio

Indipendenza delle Autorità o indipendenza dei regolamenti? Lettura in parallelo all'esperienza comunitaria

di Giovanna De Minico

SOMMARIO: 1. I tre punti – 2. La natura della regulation delle Autorità Indipendenti - 3. La sua compatibilità con l'ordinamento nazionale - 3.1 La tesi della partecipazione al processo decisionale - 3.2 La giustificazione del diritto comunitario – 4. I rimedi per ricondurre a legittimità il sistema nazionale: la revisione costituzionale – 4.1 I rimedi a Costituzione invariata

My work offers a parallel reading both of the normative power of Independent Administrative Authorities and the latest community experiences (Directive Packages 2009 and 2010). A theme, this one, already anticipated in general terms by the Author at the Fact-Finding Inquiry under way at the I Commissione Camera, which has a preference for a bottom-up approach. Therefore, the Author discusses whether a norm can be considered secondary when its primary disposition is careful on the discipline about the settlement of interests, relying almost entirely on the power of the regulations. After acknowledging the insuffiency of a formal collocation of the regulations in the system of sources, the Author looks for a title, internal or pertaining to the European Community, legitimising the A. I. to the political choices. According to the Author, its absence, together with the uselessness of the constitutional revision owing to the unalterability of the art. 1 of Italian Constitution, necessarily suggest the redefinition of the boundary between political power and neutral subject, in accordance with the internal principle of correspondence political power/responsibility, and with the institutional balance of the European Community.

Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

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