I Saggi dell'Osservatorio

Riserva di legge e competenza penale europea

di Lorenzo Pellegrini

SOMMARIO: 1. Obiettivi e prospettive di fondo. – 2. Ratio ed evoluzione del principio di riserva di legge. – 2.1. Crisi della riserva di legge parlamentare. Le cause endogene. – 2.2. Le cause esogene di crisi prima dell’entrata in vigore del Trattato di Lisbona. – 3. All’indomani di Lisbona: il principio di legalità penale nell’ordinamento europeo. – 4. Il problema della conformità al principio di legalità penale dei meccanismi di produzione normativa europea: attualità dell’obiezione basata sul deficit democratico-rappresentativo. – 5. Competenza penale indiretta delle istituzioni europee. – 5.1. L’armonizzazione mediante direttive: i due tipi di competenza penale indiretta stabiliti nell’art. 83 TFUE. – 5.2. L’armonizzazione mediante regolamenti: la competenza ‘quasi diretta’ stabilita dell’art. 86 TFUE. – 6. Competenza penale diretta dell’Unione europea. – 7. Considerazioni conclusive.

The Author examinates the principle of legal state reservation in criminal matters and its actual decline impressed by the jurisdiction evolution of the European Court of Justice and the dispositions introduced from the Treaty of Lisbon. In the first part of the work is remarked - through a casistic-empirical analisys - the historical evolution of the ratio of the principle of legal reservation, highlighting the deep crisis that today pays either for endogenous factors - creating imbalances between internal institutional organizations, depriving Parliament of its role as guarantor of democracy and representation of the criminal choices – as for exogenous factors - tied instead to the growing wave of European law-making relevant criminal law, resulting in displacement of criminal policy decision-makers in an increasing number of cases at the supranational level - operating even before the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon. The second part has the pourpose of investigating and tracking both the substantial differences existing between the national legality and the European legality, and the innovations introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon (with particular reference to the abolition of the pillar system, the changing of the European law-making process, the disposals of articles 83 and 86 TFUE). The final part of the work concerne the analyses of the criminal system of sources and in particular investigates the expression 'European criminal jurisdiction'. Therefore the final question that the paper tries to give an answer, it turns out to be, after all, still valid an opposition to the recognition of a European direct criminal jurisdiction based on the principle of state reservation – at least - in its garantiste substantial-constitutional feature.

Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

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