I Saggi dell'Osservatorio

Il principio del pareggio di bilancio in Costituzione

di Antonio Brancasi

SOMMARIO: 1. - La prescrizione dell’equilibrio. - 2. L'equilibrio a livello centrale. - 3. L'obbligo della copertura finanziaria. - 4. Il sistema delle fonti. - 5. L'equilibrio a livello di Regioni ed EE LL.

The Article gives a comment on the recent Italian Constitutional Law enacted by the Parliament that introduces in the Constitution the Balanced-budget amendment. The Author firstly analyzes the less significant use of the idioms ‘balanced’ and ‘break-even budget’. These words suggest policy of austerity and reduction of tax wedge. In order to understand the meaning of the amendment norms, in a second step the article illustrate the impact of these norms on the National Budget and the ‘tax shelter’ rule. In a third step the paper gains the perspective of the effects of the amendment on the Italian legal system (mainly article 81 It. Constitution). In the last part the Author examines different restrictions the Balanced-budget amendment will produce on Regions and local authorities (communes and provinces).

Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

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