I Saggi dell'Osservatorio

La carica dei DPCM

di Valerio Di Porto

SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. - 2. Fuga dal Consiglio di Stato. - 3. La previsione di regolamenti di organizzazione dei Ministeri in deroga alla legge n. 400 del 1988. - 4. Intermezzo: divagazione sulla relatività del tempo. - 5. I regolamenti di organizzazione dei Ministeri emanati in deroga alla legge n. 400 del 1988. - 6. Ritorno al passato? - 7. Le tendenze più recenti. - 8. Intrecci tra deleghe e DPCM. - 9. DPCM versus fonti regolamentari. - 10. Una catena di DPCM. - 11. Istinto derogatorio e scatole cinesi. - 12. Conclusioni.

This work takes the cue from the last issue of the “Notes of the Committee for Legislation”, which contains a recognition of all the decrees issued from the Prime Minister (they are known as “DPCM”) in the years 2014 and 2015 and published in the Official Journal of Italy. In this work, some perspectives of a significant phenomenon, which is related to the economic crisis, get examined in depth. The purpose of such decrees (DPCM) is to get the Prime Minister involved in subjects that are under the jurisdiction of specific Ministers. Using such decrees degrades the sources of law; what is more disturbing, is that such decrees: ! are not subject to the supervision of the Council of State; ! not always are published in the Official Journey; ! when they are published in the Official Journey, very often they don’t get a sequential number; ! when are not numbered, they are not published in the official database “Normattiva” (www.normattiva.it); ! sometimes these decrees modify a disposition of upper rank, in the hierarchy of the sources of law: this should not be allowed.

Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

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