Numeri speciali

L'interpretazione convenzionalmente conforme come tecnica di risoluzione delle antinomie fra diritto interno e diritto pattizio

di Annalisa Ciampi

SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. - 2. Il fondamento giuridico dell'interpretazione conforme. - 3. L'ambito di applicazione. - 4. Le varie articolazioni sul piano del diritto interno. - 5. I limiti. - 6. Le implicazioni. - 7. Riflessioni conclusive sulla prassi internazionale nella sua duplice dimensione spaziale e temporale, incluse talune recenti manifestazioni decisamente contro tendenza.


This contribution addresses the principle of consistent interpretation as a matter of public international law. In this perspective, the interpretation of domestic law in a manner consistent with a state's interna-tional obligations is no more than a corollary of the normative nature of international law and merely con-firms the primacy of the latter over conflicting provisions of a State's domestic law. After some preliminary remarks over the rationale of consistent interpretation, the author discusses its scope of application, the forms of its incorporation in national legal orders and the limits thereof. The focus is then on the broader implications of consistent interpretation. The author notes that judicial practice has enhanced the role of national courts in the interpretation and application of international treaties. This gives rise to a diffusive - indirect - mechanism of application of international law, which in turn contributes to its effectiveness. Consistent interpretation also strengthens the role of individuals in the implementation of treaties, thus falling in line with the current trend of "individualization" of international law. Interpretative efforts to bring national provisions in conformity with international obligations may, however, pose a threat to the certainty of the law. The final overview of the practice of consistent interpretation in its twofold - tem-poral and geographical - dimension points to an upcoming alarming trend, which disregards the principle of consistent interpretation and the effectiveness of international treaties, in particular concerning human rights treaties.

Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

L’Osservatorio sulle fonti è stato riconosciuto dall’ANVUR come rivista scientifica e collocato in Classe A.


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