I Saggi dell'Osservatorio

La libertà di riunione in tempi di emergenza sanitaria e distanziamento sociale

di Giada Ragone


SOMMARIO: 1. La libertà di riunione al tempo del distanziamento sociale: un ossimoro in termini? – 2. I limiti generali della libertà di riunione. “Pacificamente” come sinonimo di non dannoso per la salute. – 2.1 Altre possibili giustificazioni alle limitazioni generali del diritto di riunirsi: il primum vivere e la forza del fatto – 2.2 La riserva costituzionale di provvedimento concreto per il divieto di riunione in luogo pubblico e la direttiva Lamorgese – 3. Temporaneità e proporzionalità delle restrizioni ai diritti come condiciones sine quibus non. – 3.1 Il ruolo del CTS, valutatore – quanto ai profili tecnico-scientifici – dell’adeguatezza e proporzionalità delle misure di contenimento.. – 4. I pareri del CTS sulla libertà di riunione. – 5. Riflessioni conclusive.


Among the measures adopted to tackle the spread of Sars-Cov-2 in Italy, many have been oriented towards the promotion of social distancing, long considered the most effective strategy to slow down a highly contagious virus. These measures, often contained in Prime Ministerial Decrees, have severely affected the freedom of assembly guaranteed under Article 17 of the Constitution, in all its forms: the freedom of assembly in private, public, and public places has been restricted. In the same way, many other constitutional freedoms, and prerogatives, to which freedom of assembly is instrumental, have been curbed: the right to profess and exercise one's faith in an associated manner, the right to express one's thoughts collectively, and so on.

This contribution will first recall the limits traditionally considered admissible to freedom of assembly. It will then attempt to analyse whether and to what extent the limitations placed on citizens’ freedom of assembly during the epidemiological emergency can be justified and grounded in the clauses and principles contained in the Constitution. It will also be considered that, according to part of the doctrine, the pandemic represents a “constitutionally relevant fact” which opens the possibility of new balances and new forms of limitation to the rights enshrined in the Charter.

Whether one adheres to the approach according to which the Italian Constitution is provided with all the necessary instruments to cope with the emergency, or one holds that the peculiarities of the pandemic crisis are such as to impede reasoning with the parameters of the ordinary regime, the restriction of constitutional prerogatives of the caliber of the freedom of assembly - as indicated by a consolidated constitutional jurisprudence - must respect the principles of temporariness and proportionality. With reference to this second criterion, the essay aims to highlight the role of the Technical-Scientific Committee of the Civil Protection which, pursuant to art. 2 of Law Decree no. 19/2020, is heard on the technical-scientific profiles of the containment measures adopted by the Government and for the assessment of the adequacy and proportionality of the same. The opinions offered by the CTS in relation to the need to limit meetings, with reference to large meetings, will therefore be considered. This will provide an opportunity to make some concluding remarks on the relationship between policymakers and experts

Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

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