I Saggi dell'Osservatorio

La didattica online al tempo del coronavirus: questioni giuridiche legate all’inclusione e alla privacy

di Stefania Baroncelli


SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione - 2. La didattica a distanza (DAD) - 3. La disciplina normativa sulla didattica a distanza in periodo di emergenza - 4. Inclusione e DAD - 5.DAD, esami di profitto online e questioni legate alla privacy - 6.DAD, università e corsi di studio telematici – 7. Conclusioni.


At the end of February 2020, following the spread of the Covid-19 virus, Italian universities and schools, with a few days' notice and planning, closed the buildings and converted the teaching activities, which were in presence, to distance learning. In addition to teaching activities, internships, laboratories, degree exams, as well as student orientation, research seminars and conferences became telematic. How was distance learning (DAD) established? How is DAD reconciled with the need for inclusion and protection of privacy recognized by the Italian Constitution and the European regulatory framework? After outlining the ways in which the DAD is provided, the article dwells on the provisions issued during the emergency period, going into detail on how to ensure the inclusion of all students and some regulatory issues relating to the protection of the principle of privacy for online teaching and assessment, distinguishing the solutions identified during the emergency period from those valid for online courses of study.

Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

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