di Caterina Di Costanzo
SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione – 2. Dalla tecno-scienza alla tecnologia nel settore della salute – 3. La regolazione delle tecnologie nel settore della salute: la normativa finalizzata alla disciplina della componente tecnologica – 3.1. Segue: nel campo della circolazione dei dati sanitari elettronici – 3.2. Segue: nel campo dei dispositivi medici – 3.3. Segue: nel campo della robotica – 3.4. Segue: nel campo del fascicolo sanitario elettronico – 3.5. Segue: nel campo della telemedicina – 3.6. Segue: nel campo della piattaforma di intelligenza artificiale – 4. Considerazioni conclusive.
The health sector traditionally constitutes a significant area of development of institutional, technical and, more recently, technological experiments. This sector represents a real “laboratory” of institutional, technical and technological innovations which find fertile ground of skills and resources that make the introduction of innovations practicable and effective from the expected results viewpoint. The widespread use of technologies, recently increased by the Covid-19 pandemic, is part of the health sector within a context characterized, on the one hand, by needs for simplification and promotion of innovation and, on the other, by the exigencies of resources rationalization in a framework in which the proper declination of health protection and the related organizational structures are continually subject to transformations. The panorama of digital practices in the health sector shows us a complex "ecosystem" in which technological innovation takes on a driving role and “regulatory cooperation” on the subject begins to emerge as an increasingly relevant factor in the various fields that have been identified in order to carry out a survey of the regulatory mechanisms that are progressively developing.
Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.
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