I Saggi dell'Osservatorio

Co-regolazione e gestione algoritmica del lavoro nella cosiddetta gig economy

di Edoardo Caterina


SOMMARIO: 1. Lo sviluppo della c.d. gig economy e la risposta normativa al livello nazionale ed europeo. – 2. La nuova direttiva UE sui lavoratori delle piattaforme digitali. – 3. È davvero possibile garantire il diritto a una decisione umana all’interno di piattaforme governate dall’algoritmo? – 4. Come provare il carattere discriminatorio dell’algoritmo? – 5. Sorvegliare e dare punti: il rating reputazionale. – 6. Conclusioni


This paper analyses the challenges raised by the algorithmic management of work by digital labour platforms (DLPs). It is clarified how fundamental rights of constitutional rank are at stake in this area of co-regulation, and an approach is proposed that aims at an effective protection of such rights, without, however, imposing unrealistic obligations in the context of the business model provided by the so-called gig economy. In particular, the problems arising from the right to human review of automated decisions and the various practices of workers’ rating score will be discussed. The proposed DLP Directive of December 2019 will also be discussed. The analysis will show how mere regulation by design is not entirely sufficient for an effective guarantee of fundamental rights and will call for a dynamic co-regulation model in which both employee representatives and independent authorities are actively involved. An algorithmic design that respects the fundamental rights at stake can emerge from the interaction of these actors and from a set of minimum safeguards laid down by the legislator.

Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

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