
La mancanza di dialogo fra legislatore e Corte costituzionale nella tutela del superiore interesse del minore

di Marta Picchi


SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. – 2. L’evoluzione della giurisprudenza costituzionale. – 2.1. Gli anni bui ... – 2.2. … degli evidenti paradossi e delle incoerenze. – 2.3. Svolte e nuovi moniti al legislatore. – 2.4. Un primo intervento correttivo da parte della Corte costituzionale. – 3. L’ inerzia del legislatore e l’utilizzo di un diritto penale “simbolico”. – 4. Conclusioni.


This essay focuses on the evolution of the decisions of the Constitutional Court on the protection of the best interests of the child of homosexual couples, in order to reflect on the adequacy of the protection offered by our country to children born as a result of the use of medically assisted procreation techniques and surrogacy and on the critical issues still unresolved. In particular, attention is paid to the two parallel paths followed by the lawgiver and the Constitutional Court. The lawgiver, despite the warnings of the Constitutional Court, does not intend to address the problem and, on the contrary, has extended the criminal liability of surrogacy in order to counter the so-called phenomenon of procreative tourism. Instead, the Constitutional Court has progressively elaborated new reconstructions in the balancing of the plurality of constitutional values at stake, recognizing the need to make effective the protection of the best interests of the child born thanks to these procreative techniques.


Osservatorio sulle fonti

Rivista telematica registrata presso il Tribunale di Firenze (decreto n. 5626 del 24 dicembre 2007). ISSN 2038-5633.

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